MALIGNANT & COLD BLOOD KILLINGS OF RUSSIANS!By. Nusrat Khan AfghaniDuring my high school days once (in 1987) a class teacher asked where Samarqand & Bukhara are situated. I replied In Soviet Union (known as Russia). He became angry of my reply and said to me, What do you mean by Russia? You know nothing but Russia: both the cities are not in Soviet Union but in China.I astonished as there had occurred no too powerful geographical or political quake which could change the location of the cities. Returning home I perused the world map and again found Samarqand and Bokhara in Soviet Union.Misstatement was not ignorance of political geography but deliberate one rooted in bias against former Soviet Union and Communist Ideology. Although Pakistan was formed to counter the significances of Russian Socialist Revolution1917 but the process of odium in the country was accelerated after invasion of Red army in Afghanistan in 1979. In eighties when the ruling elite of Pakistan had sac rificed the society in the name of Jihad against communism, none could find dissimilarity between the propagandas advanced by Islamic priests and Hollywood movies posing Russian society hub of immorality especially of sexual wickedness. But they always concealed their own. Now Pakistani society is considered as hub of sexual corruption even by several Pakistani T.V channels. Monetary Capitalism rules Pakistan in its worst kind of shape that is why US senator accused Pakistanis suppliers of their moms in consideration of ten dollars. During Afghan war (78-88) religious individuals in tribal areas handed over minor girls (minus 12) to old age Arabic men (plus 50) in the name of wedding in consideration of huge amount.Comparison of two societies is not the issue as comparison is impossible between the leaders and beggars: but it is pertinent to mention here Despite the fact there is no more Soviet Union and socialism is not official ideology of Russian Republic while Pakistan a lso faces hostility by United States of America after 9/11 and even demolition of her sovereignty and entrenchment of fort of Islam in the recent event known as May 2, the ruling classes and sections in Pakistan still abhor Russia. These elements time and again expressed their sentiments against Russia in one or other form. Former dictator & President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharaf who even had listened slang from secretary of state of USA (on very night of 9/11) but in the ceremony of surrendering charge of COAS expressed his malice repeating old tune that Pakistan was victorious against Russia in Afghanistan and the same was endowment to West & USA by Islamabad (really height of craziness).Kharotabad (Quetta) incident was outcome of such kind of mind set.INCIDENTAccording to reliable sources on a check post at Kuchlagh (outskirt station of Quetta) the officials of local security force searched 5 Russians coming from border area of Chaman and Boldak and when later foun d their passports of Russian Republic despite obtaining money they had decided to take the women in their custody all over the night to satisfy the sexual lust of former. One of the officials touched the breasts of a woman with pretext of searching and the same woman did not resist as she considered the same as security process. At least two officials from Kuchlagh informed the officials of police station Airport Quetta urging:? They are Russians bearing no visa.? Russians being communists are sexually corrupt (even official called these women prostitutes)Russians were stopped at check post at Baleli gateway to town and then at check post in Quetta and were taken into custody, pushed into police mobile and the officials started immoral activities with women even one of them tried to rape a Russian woman. Russians fully resisted, one of them punched an official fracturing the temporal bone of the later and then all the five persons succeeded in freeing themselves from the clu tches of these sick wolves and flew away. Later on they were killed brutally.DISTORTATION OF FACTSBut it was not the end of story. A fake story was going to be fabricated with the collaboration of alleged sympathizers posing the Russians religious terrorists in order to justify the killings to fulfil the vested interests of a clandestine of Pakistani ruling elite, religious elements and certain imperialist forces. Non-State Elements on the indication of some invisible forces fabricated a story that these victims were Chechens and extremely Muslims who recited basic holy verse of Islam (Kalma) till their last breath. The security agencies indirectly spread these rumours that victims came from Waziristan and at spot they were holding of hand grenades etc. However a website run by Islamists of Central Asia claimed the Russians had been robbed by FC personnel and were moving back when they were targeted.Post-mortem reports and statements of eye witnesses before Tribunal have cle ared a lot of things rejecting the story of explosion of hand grenade in the hand of any victim. But till date no enquiry has been conducted regarding offence of attempt of rape by pimps (every rapist remains a pimp once in life)Pakistani media called the victims as Chechens instead of Russians as there is no independent country recognized by Pakistan as Chechnya. If they could be posed as Chechens then why right wing in media hesitates to call inhabitants of Texas as Texasians instead of Americans when Texas has its own Supreme Court and even separate flag? Why Kurds are reminded as Iraqis Iranian or Turks? The heights of hypocrisy is it. The so-called opponents of US still are working for the vested interests of US imperialism; US administration, bourgeoisie political parties and media are the biggest opponents of Russian military operations in Chechnya. Kharotabad incident has provided an opportunity to certain Islamist forces of Pakistan to make US agree to be hired the former again to fulfil mutual interests in Central Asia.Another vital point which raises questions is the concealment of names of victims despite they were holders of Russian passports. Russian media just after the incident published the names of the victims as Olga Schroeder, Anita, Abdul Aziz and Magomedova but Pakistani as well as Western media evaded to publish the same for long time. It become clear to some extent when an extremist religious organization of Pakistan intervened with the consent and support of ruling establishment in funeral process of one of the victims allegedly declared a citizen of Tajikistan namely Nauman. Jamat-e-Islami of Pakistan (JI) forcibly buried dead body of Russian woman Olga declaring her wife of the above cited Tajik citizen.INVOLVEMENT OF RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS AND FORCIBLE BURIALJI a fundamentalist and extremist organization remained a blue eyed child of Pakistani ruling establishment i.e. Army; organization possesses a background of massa cring of Millions citizens and raping of Thousands of women in Bengal in 1971. Hostility to Russia by the same organization is evident and on record. In their private and organizational meetings the members show their desires to achieve the task of capturing beautiful girls belong to Kashmir, Palestine and Caucasus as booty (Maal-e-Ghanimat) after conquering India, Israel and Russia.The relationship of JI with Islamist network in Central Asia favours USA when Russia and other states of Commonwealth might be compelled to accept presence of USA in the region to tackle with the Islamists terrorist activities. On the other hand rebuilding a fort of Islam against Russia is requirement of US imperialism.JI involved itself in bringing the alleged parents of Tajik victim who asserted Russian woman Olga as the wife of their alleged son Nauman. No proof could be produced of their parentage or of the marriage of Olga and Nauman. Another story was fabricated of embracing of Islam by Olg a. It is strange that if the expenditures of journey of the alleged parents of Nauman had been borne by government of Tajikistan why the alleged parents emphasized that being poor people they were not able to take the dead body to their native town: Pertinent to mention here that there was no proper arrangement of translation as the alleged parents of Nauman were Tajik speaking while no one knew Tajik language. Government of Pakistan in a suspicious way and behind closed doors had permitted the sub organization of JI on nail to take the funerals of a Tajik man along with of Russian citizen Olga even prior to burial decision by the Tajik spouse. Slogans of Allah Akbar (God is great) were chanted by JI workers and both of the victims were declared religious martyrs by the speakers. Without shadow of any doubt, the burial of Russian victim Olga in Quetta was a forcible, violent and brutal act committed by the Government of Pakistan and a terrorist organization in violation of I nternational law, Russian and Pakistani laws as well as in violation of Islamic laws since there is nothing on record connecting the above cited Olga with Islam. Even Enquiry Tribunal established by the provincial government buried its head in the sand on the matter while on the relay of a video footage on a TV channel showing the Russian victims in modern dresses with glasses of wine in their hands Tribunal had warned the same might disturb the process of enquiry.In fact the forcible burial of Olga expresses the niggardly hatred and prejudice by the above cited elements against Russians; it was malafide retaliation to disrepute Olga in world as religious extremist and to provide justification in favour of the executioners of the brutal murder. The family name of Olga Schroeder was deliberately not pointed out as the same omission exposed the hidden objects of the extremist elements including one to create justification and way for their entrance in Central Asian republics a nd finally to disturb the Russian society. Just after the burial the concerned Medical Officer and Photographer was assaulted and tortured by police.ISSUES TO BE RESOLVEDIn the above cited circumstances following queries require replies:? Five Russian nationals hired a taxi from Wesh the border market of Afghanistan but how they succeeded in crossing at least a dozen check posts including of border one and were not checked by FC, FIA, Custom, Militia, Plice and Levis till they reached Kuchlagh an outskirt town of Quetta and where they were not arrested despite the officials found their passports lacking entry permission in Pakistan?? Why they were not stopped again on Baleli check post known as gate of Quetta situated at roadside of sensitive area of ammunition depot of Pak army? Why they were allowed to enter Quetta?? Why officials shown their hot-headedness to commit an attempt to rape Russian woman even in police van?? Whether the matter revolves around the corrupt activi ties of police or the police was utilized as puppet in the hands of forces behind curtain?? If the victims were Muslims why the extremist religious elements (including alleged Taliban and AlQaida) prevailing in Kharotabad did not harbour them after their successful escape from police van?? Who did listen reciting of holy verse of Islam by the Russians as it was not possible to reach near the victims amid heavy indiscriminate firing?? Why Government of Pakistan passed directions forbidding any access of Russians to passports and other information?? Why careless was made in cold house to distort the dead bodies to make the same unable to be examined second time?? Whether there would be possibility of opening of new Pandora box in Tajikistan?? Why official departments were ignored in process of burial? Why an ostracized and extremist organization was allowed to bury the dead bodies?? Why another ambulance was not called for other coffin of Olga when the media footage shows the insult of coffins being taken in a small van? If it was not viable to expend only two US $ or it was another form of retaliation?? On a daylight murder of a citizen by paramilitary force in Karachi the CJP took immediate notice and ordered the removal of DG Ranger & chief of provincial police force despite the absence or direct involvement of both officers in the incident. Why SC escaped to take notice of the Kharotabad incident despite the TV footage exposes the direct involvement of Lt Col in shooting down the victims? Can a subordinate officer of army be more powerful than his superior one?? How the hypothesis that victims intended to reach Iran is acceptable when access to Iran from border city of Herat near Tajikistan is easier, nearer more economical and much safer than that of from authoritarian border of Taftan?Enquiry Tribunal is not able to resolve the above cited issues. Police and Security forces deliberately evaded to cooperate with the tribunal: even some offic ers passed funny remarks before tribunal which express the helplessness of the judiciary against powerful institutions. Culprits appeared in police uniforms instead of being suspended which made the chief justice of high court anger. Unofficial cooperation of Islamist extremists with murderers is evident that police and provincial government is being represented by law officer a former member of JI: in such circumstances there is most possibility of acquittal of accused persons by court of law.We find Pakistan, in recent history, assisting USA, UK, China and even India in investigation, enquiry or trial of alleged terrorists residing or found in Pakistan. General Musharaf in his book has admitted the delivery of dozens of alleged members of AlQaida and Taliban to USA: a few days back despite their worst kind of insult and trespass committed by USA, the establishment of Pakistan proudly declared the success of USA in killing Osama Bin Laden upshot of information delivered by ISI. Then why joint investigation of Kharotabad incident is not possible by Pakistani Russian agencies?But it seems impossible. Russian Embassy even is not able to get Urdu features and news translated in English; they have to request the original author. Unlike Russians US Ambassador pass directions to ruling elite of Pakistan while her citizen committed culpable homicide of Pakistani citizens but was released by provincial Punjab government and sent by unknown sources.Before concluding, let us remind the great achievement of Russia (former Soviet Union) for Pakistan in form of establishment of Pakistan Steel Mills at Karachi covering an area of more than 35 kilometres which is called backbone of the country. This heavy industry could never be purchased even by any consortium of all the banks of Pakistan. Russian engineers remained there in Karachi in 1970s to train Pakistanis those. If some one knows why they left country leaving their task incomplete?Pakistanis assaulted Russian girls to rape them..Marx once said that history repeats itself but on a higher level.In Pakistan history repeated itself but on a cheaper level.



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